One Second Everyday(ish) | 2018

Typically around this time I share my One Second Everyday video with you and sing its praises as the greatest way to document the everyday since I don’t know, disposable cameras. And while I started out strong this year, for one reason or another, it started slipping my mind and the project faded pretty quickly once I got out of the habit.

Probably the main thing that contributed was that I made a concerted effort to spend less time on my phone in 2018. I got an Apple watch for Christmas last year which meant I was able to have my phone with me less and my real camera with me more, but that also meant I was less able to capture moments with video.

While we’re pretty bummed that we don’t have a full video for this year (seriously, I just watched our 2016 and 2017 videos as I’m writing this and now I’m even more sad we don’t have a full one for 2018!), I did snag enough seconds to piece together a mini video, just about 60 seconds long. Everyday(ish) or not, it’s so much fun to see our years chronicled this way, and as I’ve said in past posts, it makes you realize that bad days are few and far between and it’s the little moments that truly bring us joy throughout the year instead of the big trips and grand scenery.

SO! I’m back on board for 2019 and I’m holding myself accountable by sharing the highlights here on the blog at the end of every month. Seriously, hold me to it! And let me know if you decide to give it a try (or if you’ve done it before). If you can get (and stay) in the habit, you won’t regret it. It’s addicting and gives me all the warm and fuzzies re-watching our videos from years past. And hey, even if you only remember every fifth day, you’ll still have a pretty darn good memento from the year.

I included most of my tips and tricks for the project in my 2016 post here, but my most important tip going into this year is this: just get the second! If you have your phone with you and you remember to take the second - do it then! Yes, there might be a more exciting or pretty second you could record later, but just in case you forget, take one right then. You can always delete it later if you grab another one, but at least you’ll have it.

Happy 2019! Hope your year is filled with the people and experiences that make you happiest (and some video to remember them by).  

Tools of the Trade

iPhone Tripod: So helpful when you want to jump in the shot instead of always being behind the camera (which I highly recommend, by the way!). We also like this one for using when there’s not a flat surface to put the other one on.

Camera Remote: Great for starting and stopping the video recording remotely

One Second Everyday App